One way of getting rid of temporality is through repetition. Is each new iteration of a thing a new thing or simply a repetition of the previous one? Are they to be clearly separated or put together in addition or division as many things or just one? Is this a spatial thing now or a mathematical one? You figure it out! They say we don’t count! Obsessive compulsion. Stay in the now. Memory works like drops on a window or dust in a cloud. The father, the son and the holy housecleaner.
–Karl Holmqvist
DV, permanent marker 3000 on checked paper DIN A4 (Collegeblock)
in fire resistant oversized snap frame
consisting of 3 works, each 62 x 87 cm
Unique signed on the back
DV, permanent marker 3000 on checked paper DIN A4 (Collegeblock)
in fire resistant oversized snap frame
consisting of 3 works, each 62 x 87 cm
Unique signed on the back
DV, permanent marker 3000 on checked paper DIN A4 (Collegeblock)
in fire resistant oversized snap frame
consisting of 3 works, each 62 x 87 cm
Unique signed on the back
Detail - Memorial Drawing
BODY 18+20 (Desire as a Symptom)
A4 acrylic portrait photo holder, pink colored cross screws, signatures, number sticker
250 x 40 cm
Unique with signed certificate
Detail Body - 18 + 20
Detail 18 + 20
BODY 93 (Nom-du-Père) (Name-des-Vaters), 2020/2021
A4 acrylic portrait photo holder, cross screws, signatures by the biological father and the mother, number sticker
250 x 40 cm
Unique with signed certificate
Detail - Body 93
Detail - Body 93
BODY 14 (Escalated Desire), 2020/2021
A4 acrylic portrait photo holders, cross screws, signatures, number sticker
250 x 40 cm
Unique with signed certificate
Detail - Body 14
Wipe Out with Wite•Out and Cover the Holes, 2020/2021
DV, T-shaped plexiglass presenter, Wite•Out on checked paper A 4 (collegeblock), Svarovsky crystal ear piercings, cross screws
250 x 30 cm (3 pcs)
Unique with signed certificate
Wipe Out with Wite•Out and Cover the Holes, 2020/2021
DV, T-shaped plexiglass presenter, Wite•Out on checked paper A 4 (collegeblock), Svarovsky crystal ear piercings, cross screws
250 x 30 cm (7 pcs)
Unique with signed certificate
Wipe Out with Wite•Out and Cover the Holes, 2020/2021
DV, T-shaped plexiglass presenter, Wite•Out on checked paper A 4 (collegeblock), Svarovsky crystal ear piercings, cross screws
250 x 30 cm (12 pcs)
Unique with signed certificate
Photographer / Ivan Murzin